This series is a satirical reflection on my freshman year at Stanford. For those of you who are unfamiliar, "eom" means - "end of message" - an acronym commonly used in Stanford correspondence. In using this as the title of my piece, I thought it would be a poignant way of declaring the finality of my freshman experience, as well as using it as an ironic tool to begin a nuanced and vulnerable dialogue into what my year at Stanford has appeared like superficially, versus what it actually has entailed emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
My desire was to make a work of art that played softly between the cursory inquiries and statements we make towards one another in relation to all that is college and Stanford, and anxieties and existentialism that these phrases elicit in someone like myself who exists constantly in a state of hyperconsciousness. I've largely felt like a voyeur to my own life -looking down at myself from above. Stanford has given me wings, and in the same breath, has catalyzed my fall from grace. Now - I am forced to invent myself into existence.